There are a total of 181 9-letter words starting with 'va', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- vacancies 20
- vacatable 16
- vacations 17
- vaccinate 20
- vaccinees 20
- vaccinial 21
- vaccinias 20
- vaccinium 18
- vacherins 17
- vacillant 14
- vacillate 18
- vacuating 15
- vacuation 14
- vacuities 17
- vacuolate 18
- vacuously 21
- vacuuming 24
- vademecum 24
- vagabonds 20
- vagarious 16
- vaginally 20
- vaginated 14
- vaginitis 16
- vaginoses 13
- vaginosis 16
- vaginulae 13
- vaginules 13
- vagituses 13
- vagotonia 16
- vagotonic 19
- vagrantly 19
- vagueness 17
- vainesses 12
- vainglory 19
- vajazzled 42
- vajazzles 41
- valancing 21
- valencias 18
- valencies 18
- valentine 16
- valerates 14
- valerians 15
- valetings 13
- valiances 18
- valiantly 18
- validated 16
- validates 15
- validness 13
- valkyries 20
- vallation 12
- vallecula 20
- vallhunds 16
- vallonias 12
- valorised 15
- valorises 14
- valorized 24
- valorizes 23
- valproate 17
- valuables 19
- valuating 18
- valuation 16
- valuators 15
- valueless 16
- valvassor 15
- valveless 19
- valvelets 19
- valvelike 19
- vambraced 19
- vambraces 22
- vamoosing 19
- vampiring 17
- vampirise 16
- vampirish 21
- vampirism 22
- vampirize 25
- vampishly 24
- vamplates 20
- vanadates 15
- vanadiate 13
- vanadiums 19
- vanaspati 17
- vandalise 16
- vandalish 16
- vandalism 19
- vandalize 25
- vandyking 21
- vanessids 15
- vanguards 18
- vanillins 17
- vanishers 16
- vanishing 19
- vanitases 12
- vantaging 14
- vantbrace 16
- vapidness 18
- vaporable 20
- vaporetti 16
- vaporetto 16
- vaporific 19
- vaporings 19
- vaporised 17
- vaporiser 16
- vaporises 16
- vaporized 26
- vaporizer 25
- vaporizes 25
- vaporless 14
- vaporlike 18
- vaporware 19
- vapourers 17
- vapouring 20
- vapourish 19
- vapourous 14
- vapulated 15
- vapulates 14
- varactors 16
- varguenos 13
- variables 17
- variances 17
- variating 16
- variation 14
- variative 15
- varicella 18
- varicosed 17
- varicoses 14
- varicosis 14
- variegate 15
- varietals 14
- varieties 13
- varietist 13
- varifocal 20
- variolate 12
- variolite 12
- varioloid 15
- variolous 15
- variorums 17
- variously 17
- variscite 14
- varisized 23
- varistors 13
- varityped 18
- varitypes 17
- varletess 12
- varlettos 12
- varnished 17
- varnisher 16
- varnishes 16
- varooming 19
- varsities 13
- vartabeds 15
- varvelled 16
- varyingly 21
- vasbyting 21
- vasculums 22
- vasectomy 21
- vaselined 16
- vaselines 15
- vasomotor 16
- vasospasm 19
- vasotocin 17
- vasovagal 20
- vassalage 16
- vassaless 12
- vassalise 12
- vassalize 21
- vassalled 13
- vastation 14
- vastidity 16
- vastities 13
- vastitude 15
- vaticides 17
- vaticinal 18
- vaultages 13
- vaultiest 15
- vaultings 18
- vaultlike 16
- vauntages 13
- vauntiest 12
- vauntings 13
- vavasours 18
- vavassors 17
There are 181 9-letter words starting with "va" in the well-known word game dictionary, 132 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 173 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 123 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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