9 Letter Words List (43447)
- committee 18
- following 20
- president 14
- different 17
- education 15
- important 16
- necessary 15
- available 18
- including 19
- therefore 14
- secretary 14
- political 17
- community 22
- treatment 13
- something 17
- authority 14
- equipment 26
- statement 13
- continued 16
- increased 14
- insurance 15
- operation 13
- according 19
- defendant 16
- generally 16
- knowledge 21
- employees 18
- described 17
- materials 13
- effective 22
- agreement 15
- condition 15
- structure 14
- resources 13
- financial 18
- countries 14
- presented 14
- developed 19
- attention 11
- published 20
- questions 20
- character 17
- sometimes 15
- situation 11
- plaintiff 20
- companies 19
- beginning 19
- reference 16
- determine 14
- influence 19
- relations 11
- operating 15
- standards 12
- difficult 21
- potential 14
- technical 19
- direction 14
- principal 20
- otherwise 14
- amendment 18
- executive 24
- institute 11
- procedure 17
- interests 10
- personnel 15
- assistant 10
- religious 13
- functions 18
- provision 17
- professor 15
- discussed 15
- estimated 13
- mentioned 15
- providing 20
- indicated 15
- paragraph 19
- concerned 18
- certainly 16
- christian 14
- reduction 15
- practical 19
- testimony 15
- completed 20
- essential 11
- appointed 17
- establish 15
- formation 16
- processes 15
- telephone 16
- frequency 28
- contained 15
- principle 20
- existence 20
- performed 19
- suggested 15
- buildings 18
- submitted 17
- increases 13
- decisions 14
- regarding 15
- contracts 16
- expressed 20
- specified 19
- conducted 19
- connected 18
- liability 16
- secondary 16
- organized 22
- permanent 17
- practices 18
- advantage 17
- represent 13
- extension 18
- resulting 14
- discharge 17
- selection 14
- territory 11
- immediate 16
- officials 19
- supported 17
- beautiful 18
- documents 18
- positions 13
- collected 18
- emergency 20
- primarily 18
- estimates 12
- remaining 16
- excellent 22
- engineers 13
- receiving 19
- carefully 20
- corporate 15
- directors 13
- dependent 16
- delivered 16
- machinery 20
- marketing 19
- permitted 16
- complaint 20
- necessity 15
- extensive 21
- indicates 14
- radiation 11
- municipal 21
- producing 20
- exception 23
- substance 17
- requested 20
- explained 22
- districts 13
- transport 13
- component 20
- expansion 21
- solutions 12
- technique 25
- temporary 17
- preceding 19
- thousands 14
- violation 15
- involving 22
- reporting 15
- objective 28
- extremely 22
- applicant 20
- treasurer 10
- mechanism 21
- committed 19
- currently 17
- purchased 19
- efficient 19
- furnished 17
- instances 14
- gentleman 17
- customers 16
- recognize 24
- qualified 24
- physician 20
- appellant 18
- concluded 20
How many 9 letter words are there in different dictionaries?
The number of 9-letter words varies in different word game dictionaries
- There are 30843 9-letter words in the Scrabble US Dictionary (NWL - contains Scrabble words from the NASPA word list, formerly TWL).
- There are 40727 9-letter words in the Scrabble UK Dictionary (CSW - contains Scrabble words from Collins Scrabble Words).
- There are 30061 9-letter words in the Words With Friends Dictionary (WWF).
What are the most common 9-letter words?
The most common 30 9-letter words are(sort by frequency descending):
What are the 10 9-letter words with the most points?
Scrabble US(NWL) | pizzazzes(47 points), showbizzy(38 points), quizzical(38 points), whizzbang(36 points), jazziness(34 points), huzzahing(34 points), chazzenim(34 points), chazzanim(34 points), bumfuzzle(34 points), whizziest(33 points). |
Scrabble UK(CSW) | pizzazzes(47 points), pazzazzes(47 points), bezzazzes(47 points), showbizzy(38 points), quizzical(38 points), quizzings(37 points), whizzbang(36 points), quazziest(36 points), kazatzkas(35 points), whizzings(34 points). |
Word With Friends(WWF) | vajazzled(42 points), vajazzles(41 points), quizzical(41 points), fuzzboxes(41 points), squizzing(40 points), buzzbombs(40 points), whizzbang(38 points), whizzkids(37 points), showbizzy(37 points), jazziness(37 points). |
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