There are a total of 141 9-letter words starting with 'up', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- upaithric 16
- upbearers 16
- upbearing 19
- upbinding 21
- upblowing 17
- upboiling 20
- upbounden 14
- upbraided 18
- upbraider 17
- upbraying 17
- upbrought 17
- upbuilder 14
- upburning 14
- upcasting 19
- upcatches 18
- upcharges 20
- upcheered 17
- upchucked 27
- upclimbed 24
- upclosing 14
- upcoiling 20
- upcountry 20
- upcurling 21
- upcurving 24
- upcycling 25
- updarting 17
- updatable 18
- updomings 20
- updragged 15
- updraught 19
- updrawing 16
- upfilling 15
- upflowing 23
- upfolding 21
- upfollows 17
- upfurling 15
- upgathers 17
- upgirding 19
- upgraders 16
- upgrading 19
- upgrowing 21
- upgrowths 20
- upgushing 16
- uphanging 16
- uphauding 16
- upheaping 21
- upheavals 20
- upheavers 19
- upheaving 22
- uphoarded 17
- uphoisted 15
- upholders 17
- upholding 20
- upholster 16
- uphoorded 16
- uphurling 15
- upjetting 19
- upknitted 16
- uplanders 16
- uplandish 15
- upleading 13
- upleaning 12
- upleaping 20
- uplifters 17
- uplifting 20
- uplighted 19
- uplighter 18
- uplinking 22
- uploading 18
- uplocking 18
- uplooking 16
- upmakings 18
- upmanship 22
- uppercase 19
- uppercuts 20
- uppermost 19
- upperpart 19
- uppropped 23
- upraisers 13
- upraising 16
- upreached 19
- upreaches 18
- uprearing 16
- uprighted 18
- uprightly 20
- uprisings 16
- uproaring 12
- uprolling 12
- uprootals 14
- uprooters 13
- uprooting 16
- uprousing 17
- uprunning 12
- uprushing 19
- upsadaisy 15
- upscaling 20
- upselling 18
- upsending 18
- upsetters 13
- upsetting 16
- upshifted 19
- upsitting 12
- upskilled 20
- upsloping 20
- upsoaring 16
- upspeared 14
- upsprings 19
- upstagers 12
- upstaging 18
- upstaring 16
- upstarted 14
- upstaters 13
- upstaying 15
- upstepped 20
- upstirred 14
- upstreams 13
- upstrokes 17
- upsurging 19
- upswarmed 17
- upswaying 18
- upswelled 19
- upswollen 19
- uptalking 16
- uptearing 16
- upthrusts 16
- upthunder 15
- uptighter 15
- uptilting 17
- uptitling 12
- uptossing 16
- uptowners 17
- uptrained 12
- uptrilled 12
- upturning 18
- upvaluing 15
- upwafting 22
- upwarping 22
- upwelling 21
- upwhirled 18
- upwinding 16
- upwrought 18
There are 141 9-letter words starting with "up" in the well-known word game dictionary, 90 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 134 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 91 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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