There are a total of 172 9-letter words starting with 'sta', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- stabbiest 15
- stabbings 18
- stabilate 11
- stabilise 13
- stability 15
- stabilize 22
- stableboy 18
- stableful 18
- stableman 17
- stablemen 17
- stablings 16
- staccatos 15
- stachyses 17
- stackable 20
- stackings 16
- stackless 15
- stackroom 17
- stackyard 19
- staffages 17
- staffings 16
- staffroom 18
- stageable 15
- stagefuls 16
- stagehand 15
- stagehead 14
- stagelike 16
- stageplay 17
- stageries 10
- stagettes 10
- staggards 14
- staggarts 13
- staggered 14
- staggerer 13
- staggiest 13
- staghorns 14
- staghound 16
- staginess 12
- stagnance 12
- stagnancy 18
- stagnated 13
- stagnates 12
- staidness 11
- stainable 14
- stainings 10
- stainless 11
- staircase 12
- stairfoot 12
- stairhead 12
- stairless 9
- stairlift 13
- stairlike 13
- stairstep 11
- stairways 14
- stairwell 14
- stairwise 12
- stairwork 16
- stakeouts 14
- stalactic 13
- stalemate 13
- staleness 11
- stalkiest 14
- stalkings 14
- stalkless 15
- stalklike 19
- stallages 10
- stallings 10
- stallions 12
- stalwarts 13
- stalworth 15
- staminate 13
- stamineal 11
- staminode 14
- staminody 15
- staminoid 12
- stammered 16
- stammerer 15
- stampeded 17
- stampeder 16
- stampedes 16
- stampedos 14
- stampings 14
- stampless 16
- stanchels 14
- stanchers 15
- stanchest 15
- stanching 18
- stanchion 16
- standards 12
- standaway 16
- standdown 16
- standfast 13
- standgale 11
- standings 14
- standoffs 17
- standouts 12
- standover 13
- standpipe 17
- stanhopes 15
- stannates 9
- stannator 9
- stannites 11
- stapedial 14
- stapedius 12
- stapelias 13
- staragens 10
- starboard 13
- starburst 13
- starchers 14
- starchier 14
- starchily 17
- starching 17
- stardrift 13
- stardusts 11
- staredown 14
- staretses 9
- staretzes 18
- starfruit 13
- stargazed 21
- stargazer 20
- stargazes 20
- staringly 13
- starkened 14
- starkness 14
- starlight 14
- starlings 13
- starnoses 10
- starostas 9
- starriest 9
- starrings 10
- starshine 12
- starships 14
- starsigns 12
- starspots 11
- starstone 9
- startings 10
- startlers 10
- startling 13
- startlish 12
- starvings 13
- starworts 12
- stasidion 10
- stateable 13
- statehood 12
- stateless 10
- statelets 10
- statelier 10
- statelily 12
- statement 13
- stateroom 12
- stateside 10
- statesman 13
- statesmen 13
- statewide 13
- stational 11
- stationed 11
- stationer 10
- statistic 12
- statocyst 14
- statolith 12
- statuette 10
- statusbar 13
- statusquo 20
- statutory 12
- staumrels 14
- staunched 17
- stauncher 16
- staunches 16
- staunchly 19
- stavudine 13
- stayaways 18
- staymaker 18
- staysails 12
There are 172 9-letter words starting with "sta" in the well-known word game dictionary, 126 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 161 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 120 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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