There are a total of 117 9-letter words starting with 'anti', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- antiabuse 11
- antiaging 15
- antialien 12
- antiarins 11
- antiarmor 11
- antiatoms 13
- antiauxin 19
- antiblack 21
- antibuser 11
- antically 17
- antichlor 14
- anticised 12
- anticises 11
- anticivic 16
- anticized 21
- anticizes 20
- anticking 20
- anticline 15
- anticling 17
- anticodon 15
- anticrack 20
- anticrime 16
- anticults 11
- antidotal 12
- antidoted 12
- antidotes 11
- antidraft 14
- antidunes 10
- antielite 11
- antifraud 15
- antigenes 13
- antigenic 16
- antiglare 13
- antigraft 13
- antihelix 19
- antihuman 17
- antikings 17
- antiknock 22
- antilabor 14
- antilifer 12
- antimacho 18
- antimasks 17
- antimeres 13
- antimeric 13
- antimonic 17
- antimonyl 14
- antimuons 11
- antimusic 13
- antimycin 19
- antinodal 13
- antinodes 12
- antinoise 11
- antinomes 11
- antinomic 17
- antinovel 16
- antinuker 13
- antinukes 13
- antipapal 17
- antiparty 15
- antipasti 13
- antipasto 13
- antipathy 17
- antiphons 16
- antiphony 18
- antipodal 15
- antipodes 14
- antipolar 11
- antipoles 14
- antipopes 16
- antipress 13
- antipyics 18
- antiquark 24
- antiquary 22
- antiquate 20
- antiquely 21
- antiquers 20
- antiquing 23
- antiquity 22
- antiradar 11
- antiroyal 12
- antirusts 11
- antiscian 11
- antisense 11
- antiserum 14
- antishark 16
- antishock 19
- antisleep 14
- antismoke 17
- antisnobs 11
- antisolar 11
- antispast 11
- antistate 10
- antistats 9
- antistick 17
- antistory 12
- antistyle 12
- antitheft 15
- antithets 12
- antitoxic 20
- antitoxin 18
- antitrade 10
- antitragi 10
- antitrust 11
- antitumor 14
- antitypal 14
- antitypes 15
- antitypic 16
- antiulcer 15
- antiunion 13
- antiurban 15
- antivenin 16
- antivenom 18
- antiviral 15
- antivirus 15
- antiwhite 15
- antiwoman 17
- antiworld 13
There are 117 9-letter words starting with "anti" in the well-known word game dictionary, 106 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 117 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 82 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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