There are a total of 71 9-letter words ending in 'ose', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- arabinose 13
- bellicose 17
- brownnose 17
- calaboose 16
- cellulose 16
- corymbose 20
- decompose 19
- footloose 13
- foreclose 16
- fruticose 16
- galactose 15
- gneissose 12
- grandiose 13
- granulose 14
- indispose 14
- interpose 13
- juxtapose 29
- lactulose 15
- laevulose 16
- lamellose 15
- pantihose 15
- pantyhose 17
- papillose 17
- quartzose 28
- raffinose 16
- recompose 18
- redispose 13
- religiose 12
- repurpose 16
- roundnose 13
- schistose 14
- siliquose 20
- spinulose 15
- stompnose 16
- stumpnose 17
- sucralose 14
- superpose 16
- surculose 15
- thrombose 17
- tomentose 13
- transpose 13
- trehalose 12
- verrucose 17
- vorticose 16
- wayzgoose 25
- anchylose 17
- biocenose 13
- cespitose 13
- corticose 13
- edematose 12
- exocytose 21
- lichenose 14
- mischoose 16
- overclose 14
- plumulose 13
- prechoose 16
- preexpose 20
- preimpose 15
- squarrose 18
- underdose 11
- calculose 13
- endosmose 12
- extrapose 18
- fistulose 12
- foliolose 12
- minutiose 11
- slipnoose 11
- spongiose 12
- tenebrose 11
- uliginose 10
- uniramose 11
There are 71 9-letter words ending in ose in the well-known word game dictionary, 56 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 67 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 45 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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