There are a total of 81 9-letter words containing 'rial', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- actuarial 14
- aerialist 10
- aeriality 12
- armorials 13
- arterials 10
- auctorial 14
- authorial 13
- bacterial 16
- bursarial 14
- cantorial 14
- censorial 14
- centurial 15
- cercarial 16
- criterial 13
- cursorial 14
- editorial 11
- enchorial 16
- estuarial 11
- factorial 16
- fossorial 13
- funebrial 18
- imperials 16
- manubrial 18
- materials 13
- memorials 16
- mercurial 17
- miliarial 14
- mistrials 13
- oratorial 10
- pictorial 16
- posttrial 13
- pretorial 13
- pretrials 13
- raptorial 13
- reburials 14
- rectorial 13
- sartorial 10
- sectorial 13
- sensorial 11
- serialise 10
- serialism 13
- serialist 10
- seriality 12
- serialize 19
- subaerial 14
- suctorial 14
- tectorial 13
- tensorial 11
- tonsorial 11
- trialists 10
- trialling 14
- triallist 11
- trialogue 13
- tutorials 11
- uniserial 12
- vectorial 17
- vizierial 23
- calvarial 14
- doctorial 12
- herbarial 14
- nectarial 11
- nonserial 9
- sacrarial 11
- tentorial 9
- uxorially 19
- amatorial 11
- curialism 13
- curialist 11
- listerial 9
- marialite 11
- mentorial 11
- sectarial 11
- signorial 10
- squarials 18
- synedrial 13
- textorial 16
- trialisms 11
- trialware 12
- triforial 12
- triserial 9
- viatorial 12
There are 81 9-letter words containing rial in the well-known word game dictionary, 61 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 81 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 57 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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