There are a total of 382 9-letter words containing 'du', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- abductees 17
- abducting 20
- abduction 18
- abductors 17
- acidulate 15
- acidulent 16
- acidulous 16
- acidurias 14
- addendums 17
- adducible 19
- adducting 18
- adduction 16
- adductive 19
- adductors 15
- adularias 12
- adulating 15
- adulation 13
- adulators 12
- adulatory 14
- adulterer 12
- adulthood 15
- adultlike 17
- adultness 13
- adumbrate 17
- aeroducts 14
- amygdules 19
- aqueducts 24
- archducal 20
- archduchy 23
- archdukes 20
- arduously 15
- assiduity 13
- assiduous 12
- avizandum 28
- barleducs 18
- bedumbing 23
- beduncing 21
- byproduct 22
- calendula 17
- coendured 16
- coendures 15
- conducers 18
- conducing 21
- conducive 22
- conducted 19
- conductor 18
- conductus 19
- coproduce 20
- coproduct 20
- corduroys 16
- corundums 19
- credendum 19
- credulity 17
- credulous 16
- datadumps 18
- deciduate 15
- deciduous 16
- dedendums 17
- deducible 19
- deducting 18
- deduction 16
- deductive 19
- didjeridu 22
- dryasdust 14
- dualising 15
- dualistic 15
- dualities 12
- dualizing 24
- duathlete 14
- duathlons 15
- dubbining 21
- dubieties 14
- dubiously 18
- dubitable 18
- dubonnets 16
- dubplates 18
- duchesses 16
- duckbills 23
- duckboard 22
- ducklings 22
- ducktails 19
- duckwalks 26
- duckweeds 22
- ductility 17
- ductworks 21
- duecentos 15
- duellists 13
- duenesses 12
- duettists 11
- dulcamara 18
- dulcianas 16
- dulcified 19
- dulcifies 18
- dulcimers 18
- dulcimore 18
- dulcineas 16
- dulcitone 16
- dullishly 18
- dulnesses 13
- dumbbells 22
- dumbcanes 21
- dumbfound 23
- dumbheads 20
- dumbphone 23
- dumbshows 22
- dumbsized 27
- dumbsizes 26
- dumfounds 20
- dummkopfs 27
- dumpcarts 20
- dumpiness 18
- dumplings 21
- dumptruck 25
- dunelands 15
- dungarees 14
- dungeoned 16
- dungheaps 19
- dunghills 18
- dungworms 20
- dunnesses 13
- duodecimo 18
- duodenary 15
- duodenums 17
- duologies 14
- duologues 15
- duopolies 15
- duplexers 22
- duplexing 25
- duplexity 24
- duplicate 18
- duplicity 20
- dupondius 17
- duralumin 17
- durations 12
- duratives 15
- duricrust 15
- durnedest 13
- durometer 14
- duskiness 16
- dustballs 16
- dustbowls 18
- dustcarts 14
- dustcoats 14
- dustcover 18
- dustheaps 16
- dustiness 12
- duststorm 14
- duteously 15
- dutifully 19
- duvetines 16
- duvetynes 18
- educables 18
- educating 17
- education 15
- educative 18
- educators 14
- eductions 15
- endurable 16
- endurably 18
- endurance 16
- epidurals 15
- fiduciary 19
- foredunes 15
- glandular 16
- glandules 16
- gradually 17
- graduands 15
- graduated 14
- graduates 13
- graduator 13
- habendums 20
- hierodule 14
- iconodule 16
- inducible 19
- inductees 15
- inducting 18
- induction 16
- inductive 19
- inductors 15
- indulgent 16
- indulgers 15
- indulging 18
- indulines 14
- indumenta 16
- indurated 13
- indurates 12
- infodumps 21
- insipidus 15
- introduce 15
- kiddushes 18
- manducate 18
- medullary 18
- medusoids 15
- modularly 18
- modulated 16
- modulates 15
- modulator 15
- moondusts 15
- mundungos 19
- mundungus 20
- nodulated 14
- nonadults 14
- obducting 20
- obduction 18
- outdueled 14
- oviductal 19
- paduasoys 16
- peduncled 20
- peduncles 19
- penduline 17
- pendulous 17
- pendulums 20
- perduring 17
- poppadums 23
- procedure 17
- producers 17
- producing 20
- redubbing 20
- reducible 18
- reducibly 20
- reductant 15
- reductase 14
- reduction 15
- reductive 18
- reductors 14
- redundant 14
- reduviids 16
- reeducate 14
- reinduced 16
- reinduces 15
- reinducts 15
- reproduce 17
- residuals 12
- residuary 13
- residuums 15
- schedular 17
- scheduled 18
- scheduler 17
- schedules 17
- seducible 18
- seduction 15
- seductive 18
- shelducks 21
- slamdunks 20
- spodumene 18
- spondulix 23
- stardusts 11
- subadults 16
- subduable 19
- subducing 21
- subducted 19
- subduedly 19
- tamanduas 15
- traducers 14
- traducing 17
- transduce 15
- turducken 20
- undulated 15
- undulates 14
- undutiful 18
- unreduced 17
- unsubdued 18
- ventiduct 19
- verdurous 16
- viduities 15
- whodunits 17
- whodunnit 18
- adultress 10
- bandurist 12
- ceratodus 12
- coadunate 12
- deducibly 18
- dubiosity 15
- dubitably 17
- duckishes 19
- ductilely 15
- duellings 11
- dumpsites 14
- dumpsters 14
- duncishly 18
- dungareed 12
- duopolist 12
- dustproof 15
- educatory 15
- fondueing 14
- inductile 12
- indusiate 10
- pandurate 12
- pappadums 18
- preadults 12
- prededuct 15
- reconduct 14
- rubbydubs 19
- subduably 17
- undulance 12
- undulator 10
- aduncated 13
- angledugs 12
- antidunes 10
- avisandum 15
- beducking 19
- bedunging 14
- bedusting 13
- bulldusts 12
- carduuses 12
- cascadura 14
- chempaduk 23
- delundung 12
- dividuous 14
- duarchies 15
- dubitancy 17
- dubitated 13
- dubitates 12
- ducatoons 12
- duchessed 16
- duckmoles 18
- duckshove 22
- dudderies 12
- duettinos 10
- dufferdom 19
- dufferism 18
- duikerbok 20
- dukelings 15
- dukeships 19
- dulcitols 12
- dulcitude 13
- dulocracy 17
- dumbshits 17
- dummerers 14
- dumminess 14
- dumpishly 20
- duncedoms 15
- duncelike 16
- dunceries 12
- dungeoner 11
- dungmeres 13
- dunnakins 14
- duobinary 15
- duplicand 15
- durukulis 14
- duskening 15
- duskishly 20
- dustsheet 13
- duumviral 15
- educement 14
- eduskunta 14
- endungeon 11
- engendure 11
- gonoducts 13
- impundulu 14
- individua 14
- indubious 12
- induviate 13
- klendusic 16
- medullate 12
- mocuddums 17
- obdurated 13
- obdurates 12
- outduring 11
- overdusts 13
- pendulate 12
- puppodums 18
- pyengadus 16
- reddendum 14
- residuous 10
- rhabduses 15
- roundures 10
- sawdusted 14
- sceduling 13
- seducings 13
- seductors 12
- sheldduck 20
- shellduck 19
- tenendums 12
- traducian 12
- undulancy 15
- unduteous 10
- unseduced 13
- vedutista 13
- vedutisti 13
- whydunits 19
- whydunnit 19
There are 382 9-letter words containing du in the well-known word game dictionary, 271 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 352 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 267 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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