There are a total of 129 9-letter words starting with 'gu', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- guacamole 19
- guacharos 17
- guaiacols 16
- guaiacums 19
- guaiocums 19
- guanabana 12
- guanazolo 19
- guanciale 17
- guanidine 15
- guanidins 15
- guanosine 14
- guaraches 17
- guaranies 13
- guarantee 13
- guarantor 13
- guardable 13
- guardages 12
- guardants 14
- guarddogs 13
- guardedly 17
- guardians 14
- guardless 11
- guardlike 15
- guardrail 14
- guardroom 16
- guardship 16
- guardsman 17
- guardsmen 17
- guarished 14
- guarishes 13
- guayabera 17
- gubbinses 14
- guberniya 15
- gudesires 11
- gudewives 17
- gudgeoned 17
- guerdoned 15
- guerdoner 11
- gueridons 14
- guerillas 14
- guernseys 15
- guerrilla 14
- guessable 16
- guessings 11
- guesswork 19
- guestbook 19
- guestened 11
- guestlist 13
- guestwise 13
- guffawing 24
- guidances 17
- guidebook 20
- guideless 11
- guideline 15
- guidepost 16
- guideship 16
- guideways 18
- guideword 15
- guildhall 18
- guildries 11
- guildship 19
- guildsman 18
- guildsmen 18
- guileless 14
- guillemet 17
- guillemot 17
- guilloche 19
- guiltiest 13
- guiltless 14
- guimbards 15
- guineapig 18
- guitarist 12
- guitguits 15
- gulfweeds 20
- gulleries 14
- gulleying 19
- gullwings 20
- gulpingly 16
- gumbotils 19
- gummatous 19
- gumminess 19
- gummosity 17
- gumphions 17
- gumptions 19
- gumptious 14
- gumshield 19
- gumsucker 18
- guncotton 17
- gunfights 20
- gunflints 18
- gunfought 21
- gunhouses 13
- gunkholed 21
- gunkholes 20
- gunlayers 13
- gunmakers 20
- gunmetals 17
- gunneries 14
- gunnybags 21
- gunnysack 23
- gunpapers 19
- gunpoints 17
- gunpowder 20
- gunrunner 16
- gunsights 17
- gunsmiths 18
- gunsticks 16
- gunstocks 20
- gunstones 10
- gurdwaras 16
- gurgliest 11
- gurgoyles 14
- guruships 18
- gushiness 15
- gushingly 20
- gusseting 15
- gustables 16
- gustation 13
- gustative 16
- gustatory 14
- gustiness 13
- gutbucket 23
- gutlessly 16
- gutsiness 13
- guttating 11
- guttation 13
- guttering 15
- gutturals 14
- guyliners 16
There are 129 9-letter words starting with "gu" in the well-known word game dictionary, 94 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 119 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 94 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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