There are a total of 76 9-letter words containing 'poly', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- copolymer 21
- lipolyses 16
- lipolysis 16
- lipolytic 19
- oligopoly 18
- polyamide 19
- polyamine 19
- polyamory 20
- polyandry 19
- polyantha 18
- polyanthi 18
- polybrids 19
- polyester 15
- polygalas 18
- polygamic 23
- polygenes 18
- polygenic 21
- polyglots 18
- polygonal 19
- polygonum 22
- polygraph 22
- polyhedra 18
- polyimide 19
- polymaths 20
- polymathy 22
- polymeric 21
- polymorph 23
- polymyxin 28
- polyphagy 24
- polyphase 20
- polyphone 21
- polyphony 23
- polypides 19
- polyploid 20
- polypneas 19
- polypores 18
- polyposis 18
- polyptych 25
- polypuses 19
- polysemic 21
- polysomes 18
- polythene 18
- polytonal 17
- polytypes 20
- polytypic 23
- polyurias 16
- polyvinyl 23
- polywater 18
- polyzoans 25
- polybasic 18
- polycarpy 21
- polychete 19
- polyonymy 22
- polyparia 16
- polypneic 18
- polysomic 18
- polyzoary 26
- polyarchy 22
- polyaxial 21
- polyaxons 21
- polyconic 18
- polydemic 19
- polyglott 15
- polylemma 18
- polymasty 19
- polyomino 16
- polyonyms 19
- polyphons 19
- polypidom 19
- polypills 16
- polypites 16
- polyposes 16
- polysemes 16
- polystyle 17
- polyzonal 23
- polyzooid 24
There are 76 9-letter words containing poly in the well-known word game dictionary, 56 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 75 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 49 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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