There are a total of 55 9-letter words containing 'lev', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- alleviate 15
- boulevard 19
- champleve 25
- cleveites 17
- cleverest 17
- cleverish 19
- elevateds 15
- elevating 17
- elevation 15
- elevators 14
- elevatory 16
- elevenses 15
- elevenths 17
- gearlever 16
- levanters 15
- levanting 18
- levatores 14
- levellers 16
- levelling 19
- levelness 16
- leveraged 17
- leverages 16
- leviathan 17
- levigated 17
- levigates 16
- levirates 14
- leviratic 17
- levitated 15
- levitates 14
- levitator 14
- levodopas 18
- levuloses 16
- polevault 19
- relevance 18
- relevancy 20
- replevied 18
- replevies 17
- replevins 18
- sublevels 19
- televiews 17
- televised 15
- televises 14
- unleveled 18
- alleviant 12
- levantine 12
- reelevate 12
- televisor 12
- buplevers 16
- levellest 12
- levigable 15
- levigator 13
- levitical 14
- pontlevis 14
- septlevas 14
- televiser 12
There are 55 9-letter words containing lev in the well-known word game dictionary, 44 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 53 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 43 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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